My Web Development Packages

Luc Rousseau

"Whether you're a startup or an established business, my flexible service packages ensure you get the best value for your investment."

WordPress Maintenance 🔧

Get tailor-made custom themes, plugins, and Gutenberg blocks in React. Boost your site's performance with advanced caching and optimization techniques for a super fast WordPress experience.

Or you can opt for my WordPress Care + Maintenance package, which includes performance audits, security updates, and more. This package also includes online developer time for updates and modifications to your site.

Tech Stack
  • Front-end: HTML, HTML, SCSS, JavaScript, React.js, Vue.js, SPA, Git, Webpack, Babel, NPM, ...
  • Back-end: PHP, Twig, WordPress, MySQL
  • Tools: PHP, Twig, MySQL, Composer, ...
  • Agile Approach: Task prioritization in a backlog, participation in sprints, and standups to keep your project on track.
  • Consultation: Personalized guidance to help you achieve your business objectives efficiently.

Full Stack Development ⭐️

Front-end Development

Enhance user experience with stunning, responsive designs using React.js, other SPAs, or vanilla JavaScript. Benefit from seamless state management, RESTful API integration, and pixel-perfect design implementation.

Tech Stack
  • HTML, SCSS, JavaScript, React.js, Vue.js, SPA, Git, Webpack, Babel, NPM, ...

Back-end Development

Ensure robust server-side functionality with PHP/MySQL, Laravel, or fully custom WordPress solutions. Enjoy smooth integration with front-end components, optimized performance, and reliable database management.

Tech Stack
  • PHP, Laravel, Twig, WordPress, MySQL, Composer, Git, ...
  • Agile Approach: Task prioritization in a backlog, participation in sprints, and standups to keep your project on track.
  • Consultation: Personalized guidance to help you achieve your business objectives efficiently.

Page Speed Optimization 🚀

Achieve 100% mobile and desktop scores on Google PageSpeed Insights. Identify and resolve site issues with a comprehensive audit, improving load times, asset management, and overall site efficiency.

Optimization Techniques and Tools
  • Performance auditing tools (Google PageSpeed Insights, Lighthouse)
  • HTML, CSS, JavaScript optimization
  • Image optimization and modern formats such as AVIF and WEBP
  • Caching strategies (browser, server-side)
  • Content Delivery Network (CDN) integration
  • Code minification and compression tools
  • Asset delivery optimization (lazy loading, asynchronous loading, defer parsing of JavaScript)
  • And many more techniques!
  • Agile Approach: Task prioritization in a backlog, participation in sprints, and standups to keep your project on track.
  • Consultation: Personalized guidance to help you achieve your business objectives efficiently.

Package Starting at $175.00 /monthSchedule a Chat!

No contract required — you can leave anytime. Choose from weekly or monthly agreements. Options include Essential, Half-Day, Full-Day, or custom packages. Schedule a chat for more details.

What I Can Accomplish in a Half-Day

Achieve significant progress in just half a day with my expert solutions to update, secure, optimize, and enhance your digital presence. Here are some examples of tasks I can accomplish:

WordPress & Plugin Updates

I can update your WordPress site and plugins to ensure improved security and functionality.

Backup & Security Setup

I can configure your backups and security settings to protect your site against data loss and vulnerabilities.

Website Optimization for Speed

I can optimize your website’s performance and speed for a better user experience and improved SEO.

Build Custom Functionality

I can create unique, tailored functionalities to meet the specific needs of your website or application.

Debug Your Hacked Website

I can identify and fix issues in your hacked website to ensure smooth and efficient operation.

WordPress Migrations

I can handle seamless WordPress migrations to ensure your site is moved efficiently and without issues.

And so much more!

Discover additional ways I can assist with your digital development needs by scheduling a chat with me!

Schedule a Chat!

Skills and Technologies I Master

My expertise spans design, development, and project management, transforming ideas into key digital solutions.

WordPress ⭐️WooCommerce ⭐️PHP ⭐️React ⭐️Next.js ⭐️Vue.js ⭐️REST API ⭐️GraphQL ⭐️Twig ⭐️Webpack ⭐️GIT ⭐️Laravel ⭐️SCSS ⭐️JavaScript ⭐️Docker ⭐️Tailwind ⭐️Figma ⭐️And many more! ⭐️

Why Opt for a Developer On-Demand

Choosing a developer on-demand means securing a partner who understands your vision and provides tailored technical expertise to guide innovation and optimize development at every stage.

  1. Prevents costly mistakes, contributes to risk reduction, and secures your project.
  2. Ensures technical excellence and consistency at every development stage.
  3. Provides tailored leadership for building a high-performing team and selecting technologies.
  4. Plays a central role in the success of your digital ambitions.
  5. Combines technical expertise and managerial skills.
  6. Constantly monitors trends to keep you at the forefront.

Making the Possible Tangible

I transform digital product development challenges into distinct, achievable opportunities to fuel innovation and ensure success.

Nesto 🧠

Synergy and Technical Innovation

Definition and Implementation of a Centralized System Architecture
  • Design of a Unified Architecture: I develop a centralized system architecture that serves as the foundation for all projects, ensuring consistency, efficiency, and ease of maintenance across various initiatives.
  • Adaptable Grid: I implement an adaptable grid within the architecture, offering flexibility and customization according to the unique requirements of each project, while preserving a solid and consistent technical infrastructure.
Technical Leadership and Team Coordination
  • Technical Direction and Supervision: I provide precise technical guidelines and support to teams to ensure alignment with the defined architecture and adoption of best practices.
  • Recruitment and Talent Development: I actively engage in the recruitment process, aiming to hire highly qualified candidates who align with the company culture, and I design technical skill tests to efficiently evaluate candidates.
Monitoring, Maintenance, and Evolution of Systems
  • Maintenance Process: I establish monitoring and maintenance procedures to ensure optimal performance of existing systems and their compliance with technological advancements or changing needs.
  • Constant Updates and Optimization: I regularly analyze the current architecture's effectiveness to identify opportunities for improvement.
Tech Stack

Vanilla PHP & JavaScript (ES6+), 95 React blocks for the Gutenberg editor, extensive use of transients and advanced caching, sessions/local storage, REST routes, and external API integration. It also includes rewrite rules for a fully custom WordPress setup, advanced MySQL tables & queries, Salesforce integration for lead creation, complex Webpack configuration to build theme variations via the command line, and many more cool features!

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Compare Mortgages 🧠

Architecture, Innovation, and User Optimization

Strategic Planning and System Architecture
  • Designing an Optimal System Structure: I establish an architecture that effectively supports the analysis and comparison of mortgage loans, thus ensuring optimal support.
  • Detailed Project Planning: I define key stages and deliverables to structure the development and ensure timely delivery.
Team Leadership and Coordination
  • Aligning Design to Development Stages: I effectively coordinate between the creation of functional mockups, design, as well as back-end and front-end developers.
  • Planning and Integrating Phases: I clearly define priorities and timelines for each phase, ensuring a smooth progression towards the final delivery while maintaining high quality and an optimal user experience.
User Experience and Result Analysis
  • User Interface Development: I work closely with designers to create prototypes and mockups that meet user expectations.
  • Creation and Integration of Efficient Tools: I develop and integrate advanced tools dedicated to A/B testing and in-depth data analysis.
Tech Stack

Vanilla PHP & JavaScript (ES6+), REST routes and external API integration, rewrite rules for a fully custom WordPress setup, advanced MySQL tables & queries, Salesforce for lead creation, a complex Webpack configuration file to build theme variations via the command line, and many more cool features!

Visit the Website

BrightWize 🧠

Innovation, Planning, and Technical Oversight

Project Evaluation and Planning
  • Feasibility Analysis: I comprehensively evaluate timelines, required resources, and the overall viability of the project.
  • Development Strategy: I develop a detailed strategy to guide the project's execution, including the definition of work phases.
Architectural and Technological Design
  • Architecture and Technology Selection: I design a project architecture and select appropriate technologies and tools to ensure effective and adaptable development.
  • Technical Prerequisites: I define technical requirements to ensure a solid foundation for the deployment and future growth of the project.
Ongoing Technical Supervision and Support
  • Progress Monitoring and Problem Solving: I regularly monitor development progress, paying particular attention to the proactive resolution of technical challenges.
  • Compliance Assurance: I ensure that developments are aligned with the initial project vision and meet high quality standards.
Tech Stack

Laravel, complex MySQL tables & queries, React calculators for the mortgage industry, web scraping, project scoping, estimation, and code reviews, ...

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